Routine Care
A routine chiropody care appointment can help reduce discomfort and minimise the likelihood infection, viruses and other conditions.
Feet are one of the most complex structures in the body. The foot is made up of 26 bones and over one hundred moving parts - muscles, tendons, and ligaments designed to allow the foot to balance the body’s weight and support such diverse actions as running, jumping, climbing, and walking.
Your appointment will focus on your personal needs and concerns we shall discuss any issues you may have such as, diabetic foot health, corns, callus, verruca, cracked heels, ingrowing or thickened nails. A medical questionnaire is required, this is private and completely confidential, to help with diagnosis of skin and nail problems, athletes foot, fungal nail infections and general foot care.
If you are suffering from discomfort with your feet but are not quite sure of the problem telephone for a free consultation.
Childrens clinic available includes an holistic approach to treating difficult nails and verruca. Contact for a free telephone consultation.